Monthly Archives: August 2018

Equatorial Plasma Bubbles

An enduring challenge in characterizing ionospheric intermediate-scale irregularity structure is generating a three-dimensional model.  In-situ measurements provide one-dimensional scans, which must be reconciled with a higher dimensional model.  Physics-based three-dimensional realizations of the development of equatorial plasma bubbles have been … Continue reading

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Irregularity Parameter Estimation for Intensity SDF

Irregularity parameter Estimation (IPE) was developed for estimating the intensity SDF from detrended intensity scintillation measurements.  As discussed in the blog, the original IPE procedure was replaced with an improved maximum likelihood estimator (MLE).  The MLE scheme was also used … Continue reading

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Power-Law Parameter Estimation

The basic structure and dynamics of the ionosphere are captured by deterministic models.  At the next level, physics-based ionospheric simulations produce stochastic structure, which is characterized by a statistical model.  Statistical models characterize an ensemble of realizations that support well-defined … Continue reading

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Two-Dimensional Phase-Screen Models

Simplified models that capture the essential elements of physical phenomena are used extensively.  The equivalent phase-screen model is a case in point, but the approximation is not overly constraining.  As as long as the structure encountered is statistically uniform or … Continue reading

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Summary and 2018 Update

This website has been dormant since 2015.  The website was started as a platform for discussion related to my book published in 2011.  I have removed some of the blogs, which are out of date.  Blogs that clarified topics in … Continue reading

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